The Java Application Server day took place on the 21st of May, with a remarkable attendance of over 100 participants (of which about 20% from out of town); the high technical level of the speakers presentations, hot topics and lively audience made for an engaging event.

We are happy to announce that all the Server Day materials are online, including: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine, Alessio Soldano, Alef Arendsen & Paolo Ramasso’s slides the transcription of the final panel on Java Server Platforms a full report of the event Corrado’s pictures

A BIG THANK you to everyone who made the Application Server Day a success, including the speakers, their parent companies, the University of Genova, O’Reilly UK, Eptamedia, ManyDesigns, NIS, and the JUG staff: Paolo, Angelo, Carlo, Giampiero, Corrado A, Fabio, Fabrizio, Maurizio, Elena. Application Server Day 2009

Application Server Day 2009